Great customer service determines our fate. Whether a company succeeds or fails depends on its level of customer service. Providing excellent service means treating each person you come in contact with everyday, while at work like a guest. The principles and theories behind customer service excellence are:
Customers have choices of other service providers who offer similar products or services and your competitors, are continually enticing your customers away from you.
Front-line staff, their supervisors and managers, have a crucial influence on the choices customers make and ultimately on the success of your business.
This programme is specially designed to:
All professionals who have direct or indirect interface with internal and external customers.
PCL a consortium of experts in Management Consulting and Human Resources. We specialize in Training, Customer Service, Business Process Engineering, Recruitment, Quality Issues, and Organization Development.
38, Opebi Road, Adebola House, (Suite 100, Rear Wing – CubeHub), Ikeja, Lagos.
0706 202 4287, 0802 326 5683