Our Courses

Office Administration And Management

Office managers coordinate the support services that allow organizations to operate efficiently. These services may include administration, conference planning and travel, information and data processing, mail, materials scheduling/distribution, parking, payroll, printing and reproduction, records management, secretarial/reception, security, telecommunications management, etc.

In order to effectively coordinate all these services and ensure a smoothly operating organization, office managers need good communication skills and the ability to establish working relationships with people ranging from other managers and supervisors to clerks and other support staff.

This Office management training will help them develop an assertive and organized approach to managing people and processes in the office, to facilitate harmonious and productive working relationships. It includes key management skills and planning techniques to improve information flow and achieve set objectives.

Knowledge Development Objectives

At the end of the course, participants would have acquired the skills to:

  • Understand the range of responsibilities and skills required by the office manager
  • Identify the various approaches to use when dealing with the management of tasks, teams and individuals
  • Plan and manage workload effectively and achieve objectives
  • Recognize a checklist of systems and procedures to aid the smooth running of the office
  • Assertively communicate with internal and external customers
  • Solve problems and resolve conflicts effectively
Course Content
  • Know your role as manager
  • Understand the typical responsibilities of an office manager
  • Work with others effectively
  • Recruit the right team; know the pitfalls and benefits of delegation
  • Resolve conflicts in the office
  • Negotiate for a win / win, every time
  • Develop your team
  • Use action plans to increase staff performance
  • Increase productivity and efficiency
  • Use the best methods to manage your time
  • Decide goals and set priorities for the office
  • Learn measurement techniques for clerical work
  • Deal successfully with stress
  • Plan projects properly
  • Set SMART objectives
  • Define key result areas
  • Assign responsibilities to your team and allocate resources
  • Measure your results and evaluate them against objectives
  • Learn to solve problems and make decisions
  • Define the problem and think creatively to find a solution
  • Work through the five-point plan for making a proper decision
  • Action plan for results
Who Should Attend

Office Managers, Administrative Officers and anyone who has the responsibility of managing an office.